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Yanis Varoufakis: Stop the EU’s greenwashing of gas and nuclear, join Don't Paint It Green | DiEM25
Basav Sen: Stop greenwashing gas/nuclear, and get behind a transition to renewable energy | DiEM25
Johannes Fehr: Let's fight together against the greenwashing of gas and nuclear as "green"
Caroline Lucas: Instead of greenwashing nuclear energy/gas, it's time for a green energy revolution
Sabrina Fernandes: We need a proper green transition. So don't paint nuclear and gas green | DiEM25
Yanis Varoufakis: Europeans are savages
The Greenwashing of Europe?
E52: Can nuclear energy solve climate change?
Yanis Varoufakis : "I wholeheartedly reject nuclear energy"
Yanis Varoufakis: "Why DiEM25? Because it is our duty."
End of year (2021) message from Yanis Varoufakis | DiEM25
DiEM25 E62 Greece/EU pushbacks clip: Yanis Varoufakis concluding comment